
Lessons from the Field: Meeting Resource

One activity that can help spark group conversation and increase participation in discussions is a round-robin activity.  Facilitators often tell us they struggle getting members to participate and interact. Feedback indicates that while sharing time can be crucial to the success of a group, not all are willing to participate. Here is one way to be inclusive:

  • Provide notecards for members to take home. Encourage them to write one issue, concern, or topic that they encounter during the month, and return with the question they would like to discuss at the next meeting. Since PD can make writing difficult, this could be typed on a computer as well.

For many, it may be easier to plan ahead for a discussion topic than to come up with a question on the spot or try to remember what it was they had wanted to discuss with others. Writing makes thinking clearer, for introverts and extroverts alike! An introvert may find it easier to express thoughts verbally after they’ve written them down. You can introduce topics anonymously, and go around the room and give each member a chance to share their experience with the topic in a more comfortable manner.

  • Download an interest survey HERE to go over with your group. You can distribute it to your group and send it in to Laurie for tallying. She will get the results back to you, listing your top 5-6 choices to help you plan for future meetings. This form can also be a great idea list for you as are planning for 2019 speakers.