support groups

Care Partner Focus

One of the recurring themes we hear from groups is the need for Caregiver resources. WPA is committed to helping the whole family manage Parkinson disease. For example, we recently created a Caregiver Committee to help us better understand the specific needs and resources our care partners are searching for as they help care for and support a loved one with PD.

Here are some updates from our most recent Caregiver Committee meeting:

  • The most recent issue of our magazine was a special double issue – featuring both information for people with PD and for Caregiver.
  • Caregiver Survey. This survey was included in the magazine as well as emailed. We asked for information on topics of interest, and resources this group needs. See the upcoming issue of the magazine for results.
  • Ambassador Program. This committee is helping us design a program to connect care partners with others who can share their experience with common issues faced by caregivers in our PD community. The results of our survey will play a large part in helping the committee move forward to design the topics addressed by the Ambassadors.
  • Caregiver resources on our website. This is a resource requested by many of you at our Facilitator Training last June, and we will be establishing this page in 2019. We hope to include an area where facilitators can share resources such as successful speaker options, event and activity ideas and more!

On a similar note, we are working on a WPA Volunteer Program, as many in our PD community have expressed an interest in giving back and helping others. Roles such as helping to assist an facilitator with monthly meetings, filling packets for events, assist at an exercise class, etc. are just some of the roles we have in place for volunteers. Watch for a formal update soon on the WPA Volunteer Program!

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Facilitator Feedback: Your Voice Matters!

We need your help! Here are a few ways you can have input as we move forward…

Speaker’s Bureau
WPA knows how difficult it can be to attain qualified speakers for your group, so we are working to build a Speaker’s Bureau! We have many wonderful speaker resources, as you have experienced at our annual Symposium and other education programs, who come to us through our Medical Advisory Committee and other partnerships around the state. Yet we know there is still a great need for speakers in all regions on a variety of topics yet to be addressed, so we are interested in gathering contact information for those we do not currently have on file.

  • Help us compile a speakers list! Please send Laurie the name and contact information for 1 or 2 well-received speakers at your group.
  • Share interesting topics! Send Laurie ideas on topics your members want to learn more about. We will share the list of topics and speakers in an upcoming newsletter.


Local Resource Directories
One of our goals in supporting the Parkinson community is to provide a list of resources for a variety of needs specific to each county. We are building a directory for each area – and we need your help!

  • Share your resources! Share resources about the local organizations you have partnered with for your group’s needs. This could be resources for local durable medical equipment like walkers, or legal assistance information such as wills and estate planning – and everything in between! Send your ideas to Laurie.


Attendance Sheets
Make taking attendance a lot easier! Download an attendance template HERE. This sheet can be helpful for you, and also for WPA! Many of your members have already registered on our website to receive information on WPA happenings like educational programs, current updates and more, but some have not, or don’t have access to email.

  • Help your members get involved! Send these completed attendance sheets to Laurie and we will make sure they are getting information and news to help manage their Parkinson’s and other concerns.

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2018 was a big year!

The whole Symposium was excellent from beginning to end, including the meals and the informational booths. It was the best program I have attended.

Thank YOU for all the wonderful educational and supportive events and resources you provide for us caregivers. It means to much to know you’re there for us too.

I so appreciate WPA offering a Parkinson’s Dance Class in our area. We really enjoy the opportunity to participate and reconnect with people we knew from our support group!

Through our surveys, conversations, and emails, you have shared some great feedback with our staff about WPA’s growth and expansion over the last year. We have increased the number of programs we hold throughout the year, and added new locations around the state where we offer these programs. The number of attendees who attend these programs has nearly doubled in just a year!

Additionally, WPA’s Annual Symposium in June had over 500 people register to attend! So many of you wanted to come, we moved to a new venue. And we’re looking for another – even bigger – venue for 2019! THANK YOU to our awesome sponsors and vendors who support that program, and who allowed it to be FREE for every attendee this year.

WPA’s office moved! Our new space in Brookfield is a warm, inviting space that allows for small meetings on site. We are close to I-94, which allows us to keep moving across the state to support YOU!

In order to realign WPA’s Mission Statement with our goals and program offerings, our Board of Directors revamped the statement: Providing hope, community, support, and resources for people with Parkinson’s and their loved ones. This new mission statement truly shows what WPA is able to provide for YOU. We are a broad and diverse organization, providing you with what you need as you navigate life with Parkinson’s – whether it’s your own Parkinson’s, or that of a loved one.

We hired Laurie Couillard, as director of group engagement. Laurie’s entire job is to work with our nearly 150 support groups and exercise groups around the state, connecting them with the resources they need. WPA is also helping new groups and exercise classes start up – watch for more classes and groups coming to your area!

THANK YOU for all the support and feedback you have provided to us over the last year. We are here to serve you, and we look forward to seeing you at a program or group meeting soon!

Gary Garland | Executive Director | [email protected]
Laurie Couillard | Group Engagement | [email protected]
Carolyn Hahn, Marketing Communications, [email protected]
Raven Hamilton | Administrative Services | [email protected]
Jeremy Otte | Outreach & Education | [email protected]

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How to be a Parkinson’s Caregiver

As any caregiver knows, Parkinson’s disease is both chronic and progressive. It persists over a long period of time and the symptoms worsen.  Often the disease has been present for many years before active care even is necessary.  This fact alone can bring many challenges along the way.  A loved one secretly may have adapted their life to this condition, hiding any symptoms.

When the time for care arises, a caregiver first has to take inventory of what is working and what isn’t.  A caregiver may have believed their loved one was perfectly fine, and come to realize the truth is far from that. A caregiver for someone with Parkinson’s must be very organized, informed, patient and able to modify daily life to any situation that may arise.

In the latter stages, it’s important for a caregiver to take a step back and not become totally entrenched in the caregiving and uninvolved in their own life. Since Parkinson’s can persist for many years, by the time the latter stage arrives, a seasoned caregiver will be an “old pro.”

Managing Symptoms

There is no “across-the-board” standard for how Parkinson’s affects any given patient. Just as everyone is different, every person’s reaction will be unique. The most common symptoms are tremors, muscle stiffness and slow movement.  These symptoms intensify as the disease progresses and alone can cause problems in daily living activities. A caregiver must be constantly evaluating what condition their loved one is in. Parkinson’s is unpredictable and a loved one may be resistant to take assistance for as long as they can hold out. This makes caregiving more complicated. However, it is their caregiver’s responsibility to help keep them, above all, safe in any environment. One important tip is to initially ask a loved one what they need, and not assume. During the latter stages, a caregiver should be familiar enough to anticipate and prepare for a loved one’s needs.

In the latter stage of the disease, movement itself becomes nearly impossible. A simple task as dressing could take a person with Parkinson’s disease literally all day to accomplish. Walking is very slow, if at all. A lack of balance causes frequent falls and automatic movements, like the swinging of arms when walking, disappear.  A caregiver should try to not be frustrated, but instead, be patient, and respond with love and humor.

As the disease progresses, communication difficulties and heightened anxiety become more prevalent. In the early stages, a loved one is able to hide symptoms easily, but as the tremors and stiffness worsen, a joke about getting older may be a good cover-up for the fact that daily duties are becoming harder and harder to handle.

What can a caregiver do? Get help!

With a loved one in the advanced stages of Parkinson’s disease, it is nearly impossible to handle it alone. Whether in-home care or out-of-home, help is necessary.  Whether in-home or a permanent move, options are available for caregivers to find some relief.  There are many kinds of caregivers, from live-in spouses to long-distance children. No matter the caregiver, a support system is mandatory!

You, the Caregiver

The National Parkinson Foundation’s publication “Caring and Coping” divides caregivers into these categories:

  • Stage One: The Expectant Caregiver
  • Stage Two: The Freshman Caregiver
  • Stage Three: The Entrenched Caregiver
  • Stage Four: The Pragmatic Caregiver

The first two stages are filled with learning. Once a caregiver is entrenched, they are knowledgeable, prepared and “in the trenches.” A caregiver in Stage Three “gets it.” The final stage, the pragmatic caregiver, has been in the thick of it for more than five years and through it all. They know what works and what doesn’t. They see Parkinson’s disease as what is was and what it has become. They laugh at things other family members may find sensitive and painful. They have become practical, realistic and are also experiencing much personal growth.

In the latter stages of Parkinson’s, it may be hard for a caregiver to find happiness in the simple moments. The major joy-killers are the everyday tasks like bathing, dressing and toileting. It’s hard to remember who a loved one was as a person pre-advanced Parkinson’s. Sometimes taking a minute to tell jokes, share stories and enjoy a fun activity will bring back the feelings of father/son, mother/daughter or husband/wife, whatever the situation.

The National Parkinson’s Foundation tells caregivers to “hang onto your sense of self.” Regular activities and routines are also important to keep, as much as possible. Emotional and physical exhaustion will only lead to more exhaustion. Finally, a caregiver needs to see themselves beyond the car giving role. It’s essential to remember individual life goals, independent of the caregiving demands. A caregiver must take time to maintain social contacts and actually schedule respite time.


Paperwork can be overwhelming for the average person. For a caregiver of someone with Parkinson’s, it can be frustrating and time consuming. It’s easy to lose sight of the goal and just rush to complete the tasks. From applying for benefits to doctor’s visits and financial records, it’s a very big task to take on for any caregiver.

The National Parkinson Foundation suggests caregivers take a look at the situation as a whole, using a “big picture” approach. Seeing options as working together enables caregivers to make rational, educated decisions. This frame of mind is especially important when deciding legal, financial and medical decisions for a loved one.  Take a step back, a deep breath and proceed with an open mind. The first part of the “big picture” is honesty. Don’t falsify any information on any documents. It will lead to more headaches and hassle later on by causing others to question your credibility. You want a loved one to receive the benefits he is entitled to by law.

The Foundation explains that the second part of this is consistency. When helping a loved one apply for different benefits and medical support, a caregiver must keep in mind that many programs will require the exact same documentation. The main question will be: What is a loved one’s health status at any given point?  When preparing legal documents, this may be measured against different definitions, but it is important to be truthful and consistent.  Use the big-picture approach to see how a loved one’s benefits will all fit together and what gaps may need to be filled.


The unknowns of the day-to-day caregiving are probably the most stressful for caregivers. Having systems in place of organization and support will make these situations seem less overwhelming.

Adapting the home environment is one of the major tasks any caregiver must take on. Whether at a senior residence or the person’s personal home, small changes can be made to avoid big disasters. Living areas, kitchens and bathrooms can be adapted to help the decreasing cognitive and physical abilities of a loved one with Parkinson’s. Make sure there are open pathways around the home and remove obstacles and unsteady rugs, decorations, etc. that may cause an accident. Put grab bars in bathrooms and even along hallways. Designate hot or cold on faucets with labels and colored tape. Leave items at chest or waist height so reaching won’t cause falls.

In addition to changing the environment, a caregiver must be able to help with adjustments on daily tasks such as dressing, teeth brushing, showering, etc. Confusion and unsteadiness make these seemingly standard tasks challenging. Help a loved one understand what is going on and proceed slowly, with care and compassion.

A very common symptom of Parkinson’s is “freezing.”  Help a loved one move around easier by pretending they are walking over something, or rock very slowly back and forth to get moving again. Exercise, to any degree possible, is very important to a loved one’s health and well-being. Sitting around will only make their mind-set diminish, as well as the physical aspects.

Encourage activity, communication and involvement socially as much as possible. As the disease progresses, these things will become more and more challenging to do. It’s important a caregiver encourage it when a loved one still is able to be involved.

For caregiving in the latter stages of Parkinson’s disease, challenges will arise. A caregiver should plan ahead and anticipate problems. Have paperwork done and organized. Separate tasks into smaller, manageable parts to encourage independence. The trenches won’t seem so deep then!

Article from

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For Caregivers: Dealing with Caregiver Guilt

Caregivers often carry around undeserved guilt, believing that they aren’t doing enough for their loved ones. This guilt can make the caregiving role even more stressful than it already is. One might ask why a caregiver feels guilty when they’re doing such a courageous job. Here are some reasons:
  • Resentment for personal time lost – It’s normal to feel like you’re missing something when so much of your time is taken up taking care of someone else. The caregiver thinks that they shouldn’t feel this way.
  • Unresolved issues – Many times, there are issues stemming from childhood or arguments in the past that hinder the caregiving process. Many caregivers feel guilty about this.
  • Comparing yourself to others – Some caregivers will look at another caregiver and think that they could never accomplish what that other person did.
  • Knowing placement is inevitable – There can be tremendous guilt involved when a caregiver has to place their loved one in assisted living or a nursing home.
  • Dealing with your own issues – You may be dealing with personal or health problems yourself, which takes away from your caregiving responsibilities.
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Former LPGA Golfer Cherie Zaun to Participate in Parkinson’s Fundraiser

In the 1970s, Golfer Cherie Zaun was on her way toward a promising career, and put her career on hold to raise two children. In the 1990s, with her children grown, Cherie decided to follow her dream: to compete at the highest level in golf. With a lot of hard work and dedication Cherie earned her way to the LPGA tour. She competed in over 30 tournaments and practiced week after week to improve her play. Struggling with her game, she began to realize that something was not quite right with her body. She tried to remain strong and work through it, only to have her symptoms get worse.

In 2003, determined to figure out what was going on with her body, Cherie left the tour, and was diagnosed with Parkinson disease. Symptoms of Parkinson disease can include tremor, slowness of movement, rigidity, problems with balance, and more. While Parkinson’s can be managed with exercise and medication, it is chronic and progressive and has no cure.

Cherie chose to get involved with many organizations and events that promote living well with Parkinson disease. The LPGA tour lost a very talented player, but the Parkinson world gained a great spokesperson. Cherie wants to be a part of the journey to find a cure for Parkinson’s in her lifetime. She now travels around the country speaking and appearing at charity golf outings — including the Movers & Shakers Classic on Saturday, June 2 at Evergreen Golf Course in Elkhorn, Wisconsin.

Coordinated by Joe & Patti Schlicher, the Movers & Shakers Golf Classic includes a golf outing, live and silent auctions, raffle, and a dinner for golfers, family members, and the community. Cherie will be a part of the day, and will be sharing her story at dinner. All proceeds from the event benefit Wisconsin Parkinson Association, which provides hope, community, support and resources for people with Parkinson’s and their loved ones.

“We are so honored the Movers & Shakers Classic has again chosen to support WPA,” said Gary Garland, executive director of Wisconsin Parkinson Association. “This annual event has raised over $35,000 that assists support and exercise groups and educational programs around the state. Cherie’s presence will be a great addition this year!”

Cost to participate in the golf outing (including dinner) is $96/golfer. The dinner only option is available for $24 (for a hamburger or brat) or $32 (for steak or chicken). To participate or to donate money or an item for the auction, contact Joe Schlicher at 262-949-8011.

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Dancing can reverse the signs of aging in the brain

As we grow older we suffer a decline in mental and physical fitness, which can be made worse by conditions like Parkinson’s disease. A new study, published in the open-access journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, shows that older people who routinely partake in physical exercise can reverse the signs of aging in the brain, and dancing has the most profound effect.

“Exercise has the beneficial effect of slowing down or even counteracting age-related decline in mental and physical capacity,” says Dr Kathrin Rehfeld, lead author of the study, based at the German center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Magdeburg, Germany. “In this study, we show that two different types of physical exercise (dancing and endurance training) both increase the area of the brain that declines with age. In comparison, it was only dancing that lead to noticeable behavioral changes in terms of improved balance.”

Elderly volunteers, with an average age of 68, were recruited to the study and assigned either an eighteen-month weekly course of learning dance routines, or endurance and flexibility training. Both groups showed an increase in the hippocampus region of the brain. This is important because this area can be prone to age-related decline and is affected by diseases like Alzheimer’s. It also plays a key role in memory and learning, as well as keeping one’s balance.

While previous research has shown that physical exercise can combat age-related brain decline, it is not known if one type of exercise can be better than another. To assess this, the exercise routines given to the volunteers differed. The traditional fitness training program conducted mainly repetitive exercises, such as cycling or Nordic walking, but the dance group were challenged with something new each week.

Dr Rehfeld explains, “We tried to provide our seniors in the dance group with constantly changing dance routines of different genres (Jazz, Square, Latin-American and Line Dance). Steps, arm-patterns, formations, speed and rhythms were changed every second week to keep them in a constant learning process. The most challenging aspect for them was to recall the routines under the pressure of time and without any cues from the instructor.”

These extra challenges are thought to account for the noticeable difference in balance displayed by those participants in dancing group. Dr Rehfeld and her colleagues are building on this research to trial new fitness programs that have the potential of maximizing anti-aging effects on the brain.

“Right now, we are evaluating a new system called “Jymmin” (jamming and gymnastic). This is a sensor-based system which generates sounds (melodies, rhythm) based on physical activity. We know that dementia patients react strongly when listening to music. We want to combine the promising aspects of physical activity and active music making in a feasibility study with dementia patients.”

Dr Rehfeld concludes with advice that could get us up out of our seats and dancing to our favorite beat.

“I believe that everybody would like to live an independent and healthy life, for as long as possible. Physical activity is one of the lifestyle factors that can contribute to this, counteracting several risk factors and slowing down age-related decline. I think dancing is a powerful tool to set new challenges for body and mind, especially in older age.”

This study falls into a broader collection of research investigating the cognitive and neural effects of physical and cognitive activity across the lifespan.


Article from MedicalXpress.

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WPA Open – Thank you!

WPA hosted our 6th Annual WPA Open Against Parkinson Disease on September 12, 2017 at The Legend of Merrill Hills in Waukesha, WI. This golf outing and dinner are the only fundraiser WPA coordinates, and the money raised supports outreach, education and services to people with Parkinson disease, their caregivers, family members, and health professionals.

Thank you to Financial Strategies, Inc., and HeatTek, Inc., our presenting sponsors, as well as all of the sponsors who made this event a success. To see photos from the day, click here.

One of the highlights of the outing this year was having Patrick Pelkey with us. Patrick is a Parkinson’s Support Group leader, and he is a woodcarver. He spent the day carving these beautiful “comfort birds” that we auctioned off. Patrick has Parkinson’s, and he has found that when he starts carving, his tremors subside.

The smooth texture and beautiful wood have a calming effect, and Patrick is proud to share his talents with children and adults who need comforting.

Thanks to all who supported the WPA Open!

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Support Group Facilitator Training

Our Symposium draws attendees from far and wide to learn more about Parkinson’s treatments and resources, and to connect with others who have PD. Many attendees are involved in one or more support groups, so for the last several years, WPA has led a training for support group facilitators on the Thursday before the Symposium.

One of the most important goals of this year’s facilitator training was to hear directly from the facilitators on how things were going in their groups and to identify ways in which WPA can best support their efforts. Stemming from that discussion, here are some important ways in which WPA expects to increase our partnerships with these facilitators and the groups they lead:

  • Creation of a speaker’s bureau in order to simplify the often challenging process of getting PD experts to attend group meetings.
  • Step up our efforts to assist groups to publicize their meetings and reach potential new members.
  • Check in with group facilitators more regularly to hear how things are going, see if they currently need any assistance from WPA, and share their efforts with WPA’s “audience”.
  • Explore ways where we can more often bring together facilitators to exchange ideas and challenges and learn from the best teachers – each other!
  • Develop publications and programming to better serve caregivers, those newly diagnosed with PD and the young onset community.
  • Formalize a grant program to provide small financial support that would have a big impact on the effectiveness of groups and the quality of life of their members.

We are so grateful for the commitment of these support group facilitators to their groups and to WPA!

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31st Annual Parkinson Disease Symposium | June 23, 2017

WPA will host its 31st Annual Parkinson Disease Symposium on Friday, June 23, 2017 at Country Springs Hotel & Conference Center in Pewaukee, Wisconsin.

Beginning at 8:00am, attendees can check in and visit with vendors at the Resource Fair where health and community agencies will display valuable information throughout the day. Beginning at 9:00am, the first main session will be “Understanding Parkinson Disease from a Scientific Perspective”, presented by Giuseppe P. Cortese, PhD, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Neurology, University of Wisconsin-Madison. The morning breakout sessions will follow Dr. Cortese’s interactive presentation, and participants will choose from three options: “Caregivers: Being prepared for an emergency”, “Grieving ‘life as we have known it’”, and a Panel on PD exercise programs.

During lunch, the resource fair will again be open for participants. After lunch, the afternoon breakout sessions will include “Are you caring too much and laughing too little?”, “Causes and prevention of falls” and “Exercise: A targeted attack on Parkinson’s.” The closing session for all attendees will be “Nutrition for Parkinson Disease” presented by Michelle McDonagh, RD, CD, Froedtert & The Medical College of Wisconsin. The Symposium will conclude by 3:30pm.

The registration fee is $30 per person and includes educational materials, continental breakfast, and lunch. To register, CLICK HERE or call our office at 414-312-6990. Registration is required and must be received by Wednesday, June 14.

The event is sponsored by Abbvie, Medtronic and US WorldMeds.

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