
8 Early Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms That Are Too Easy to Miss

This movement disorder is more treatable when caught early, but Parkinson’s disease symptoms can appear quite differently from one person to another. Talk to your doctor if you’re worried about any of these signs.

Changed handwriting

If your handwriting starts to go from big and loopy to small and cramped, this could be one of the earliest Parkinson’s disease symptoms. “Teachers with Parkinson’s will notice students complaining that they can’t read their handwriting when they write on the blackboard,” says Deborah Hall, MD, a neurologist at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. Look for letters getting smaller and words crowding together. Many patients have slower movement and trouble with repetitive tasks, like handwriting.

Reduced sense of smell

If you’re having trouble smelling pungent foods or no longer pick up your favorite scents, see a doctor. It’s not the most common symptom of Parkinson’s, but Dr. Hall says patients who suffer a loss of smell report it being the earliest sign they experience. The link between reduced sense of smell and Parkinson’s isn’t clear, but one theory is that the clumps of the protein alpha-synuclein, found in the brains of all Parkinson’s patients, may form in the part of the brain responsible for smell before migrating to other areas and affecting motor function.

Trouble sleeping

If you were once a peaceful sleeper, but now toss and turn, flail your limbs, or even fall out of bed, those sleep problems could be Parkinson’s disease symptoms. It’s normal to have an occasional restless night, but talk to your doctor if you or your partner notices extra movement when you’re in a deep sleep, or if you start sleep-talking. More research is needed to discover why disturbed sleep and Parkinson’s are related, but one theory is that the degeneration of specific regions of the brain stem that can cause disordered sleeping may play a role in other Parkinson’s disease symptoms.


If you’re not moving your bowels every day, or are increasingly straining, this can be an early sign of Parkinson’s. The disease alters the body’s autonomic nervous system, which controls processes like digestion and bowel function. Constipation on its own isn’t unusual, but if you’re experiencing other symptoms like difficulty sleeping and trouble moving or walking, talk to your doctor.


Much has been made of the link between the late comedian Robin Williams’ Parkinson’s diagnosis and ongoing battle with depression. Sometimes patients can develop depression after learning they have Parkinson’s, but it’s also common for people to be depressed years before they start to exhibit physical symptoms, says Michele Tagliati, MD, director of the Movement Disorders Program at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in California. “Parkinson’s is characterized as a movement disorder because of a lack of dopamine in the brain, but there are also low levels of other neurotransmitters like serotonin, which are intimately related to depression,” he says. Parkinson’s patients who are depressed tend to feel apathetic and generally disinterested in things they used to enjoy, compared to feeling intensely sad or helpless, as is common in primary depression. “They lose pleasure in the simple things of life, like waking up in the morning and buying the paper,” says Dr. Tagliati. Treatment for depression includes counseling, antidepressant medication, and in the most extreme cases, electric shock therapy.

Tremors or shaking when relaxed

Shaking can be normal after lots of exercise or if you’re anxious, or as a side effect of some medications. But a slight shake in your finger, thumb, hand, chin, lip, or limbs when your body is at rest and your muscles are relaxed could signal Parkinson’s disease symptoms, according to the National Parkinson Foundation. About 70 percent of people with the disease experience a resting tremor, and it can become more noticeable during stress or excitement. These are the most common symptom and often tip people off to the disease, but when Parkinson’s patients think back they realize they experienced loss of smell, disturbed sleep, or anxiety before the tremors began.

Stiffness and slowed movements

Watch for an abnormal stiffness in your joints along with muscle weakness that doesn’t go away and makes everyday tasks like walking, teeth brushing, buttoning shirts, or cutting food difficult. If you no longer swing your arms when walking, your feet feel “stuck to the floor” (causing you to hesitate before taking a step), or people comment that you look stiff when you haven’t been injured, the National Parkinson Foundation suggests seeing a doctor.

Softer voice, or masked face

Doctors say that a softer voice or masked, expressionless face is a common sign of the disease. Some patients with Parkinson’s disease symptoms may also talk softer without noticing or have excessively fast speech or rapid stammering. Parkinson’s causes disruption of movement, including facial muscles.

Article from Reader’s Digest.

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Singing Helps Early-stage Parkinson’s Patients Retain Speech, Respiratory Control

Singing may help people with Parkinson’s disease — especially in its earlier stages — because it strengthens muscles involved in swallowing and respiratory control, suggests two studies from researchers at Iowa State University.

One study, “Therapeutic singing as an early intervention for swallowing in persons with Parkinson’s disease,” was published in the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine. The other, “Effects of singing on voice, respiratory control and quality of life in persons with Parkinson’s disease,” appeared in Disability and Rehabilitation.

Parkinson’s research and current treatments largely focus on symptoms relating to motor skills, and less on those like voice impairment, even though weakness in vocal muscles affects respiration, swallowing abilities and quality of life. Voice impairments in Parkinson’s —  present in 60 to 80 percent of patients, are characterized by reduced vocal intensity and pitch, and breathy voice.

Previous research has suggested that singing can ease voice impairment and improve respiratory control in people with other diseases or conditions, leading researchers to examine if it could also aid those with Parkinson’s, especially in the disease’s early stages.

Results showed that both groups had significant improvement in respiratory pressure, including both breathing in and breathing out. Phonation time, a measure of how long a person can sustain  a vowel sound, also significantly improved. Patients also reported significant improvement in measures of both voice-related and whole health-related quality of life. Lead author Elizabeth Stegemöller conducted two separate pilot studies to determine whether a group of 25 Parkinson’s patients would benefit from light therapy, singing for 60 minutes once a week, or more intensive therapy that involved singing for 60 minutes twice a week. Board-certified music therapies conducted the sessions, which included vocal and articulation exercises as well as group singing. After eight weeks, researchers measured vocal, respiratory and quality-of-life parameters.

“We’re not trying to make people better singers,” Stegemöller said in a press release. “We’re trying to work the muscles involved with swallowing and respiratory control, to make them work better and therefore protect against some of the complications of swallowing.”

Stegemöller, an assistant professor of kinesiology at Iowa State in Ames, runs singing classes there for Parkinson’s patients. She also collaborates with Iowa State Extension and Outreach to pilot an eight-week training session in several counties across northern Iowa, with the goal of creating a DVD to train extension specialists to conduct such classes on their own.

“We do a lot of vocal exercises in classes that focus on those [vocal and respiratory] muscles,” Stegemöller said. “We also talk about proper breath support, posture and how we use the muscles involved with the vocal cords, which requires them to intricately coordinate good, strong muscle activity.”

The goal now is to expand the initiative, she said, adding that “if the DVD is an effective training tool, we’d like to have as many classes as possible across the state.”


Article from Parkinson’s News Today.

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UW Otolaryngology Research Study

Have you been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease within the last 5 years, and are your motor symptoms mild? Dr. Timothy McCulloch’s research lab at the University of Wisconsin Hospital is recruiting subjects for a study evaluating changes to chewing, swallowing, voice, fine motor, and walking function in the early stages of Parkinson’s disease, as well as healthy controls.

Participation in this study lasts about 2 hours and participants are paid $60. Contact study coordinator Dr. Suzan Abdelhalim at 608-265- 2470 or [email protected] for more information.

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Parkinson’s and malnutrition: what are the risks and how do you prevent it?

Parkinson’s is a complicated condition and while many people with Parkinson’s live a long and healthy life, this is not the case for everyone. A recent study found that possibly as many as 60% of people with Parkinson’s are at increased risk for malnutrition.1 “Increased risk” doesn’t mean that 60% of people with Parkinson’s will develop malnutrition, it just means that there is a higher possibility of malnutrition – but it is a good idea to be aware of all its possible causes, so that you can minimise the risk.

The risks and how to minimise them

Below are descriptions of some common nutrition-related concerns that may occur as a result of Parkinson’s, followed by suggestions that could help to resolve the problems.

Sense of smell
One of the first symptoms of Parkinson’s can be loss of the sense of smell, a sense that is necessary in order to taste food. While lack of taste and smell doesn’t always affect appetite, it can become a factor.

Suggestions: Choose favourite or especially desirable foods. Focus on flavour intensity – lemon, garlic, soy sauce, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, herbs; and “mouthfeel” – foods that are crunchy, creamy, chewy or have other appealing textures that make them more agreeable when scent and flavour are lacking.

Feeling nauseous
Medications used to treat Parkinson’s often cause nausea.

Suggestion: Ginger is very effective at counteracting nausea. Keep some fresh ginger in the freezer and use it to make ginger tea, or chew a slice of ginger. Keep a container of crystallised ginger handy, to take while on errands or travelling. Even powdered ginger can be used to make tea.

Medication regimes
Medications may cause loss of appetite.

Suggestion: Discuss this with your physician. If medication-induced, it may be possible to try a different medication.

Low mood
Depression is common among people with Parkinson’s and can affect willingness to eat.

Suggestion: Discuss this with your physician. Depression can be due to deficiency of B vitamins, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, or other nutrients – a blood test will show whether this is the case and, if so, supplements should help. In some cases, depression can be alleviated by attending regular counselling sessions, however, some people may require antidepressant medication.

Late-stage Parkinson’s
The stage of Parkinson’s can be a factor, because as it progresses, symptoms often become more severe. In addition, motor fluctuations are more likely to occur in later-stage Parkinson’s. ‘Off’-time, dystonia, and dyskinesia can make it difficult both to eat, and to time medications and meals.

Suggestion: Ask your doctor about a longer-lasting medication, such as Stalevo, or Rytary, or a pump, so that ‘off’ time is reduced and the timing of medications and meals is more regulated closely.

Calorie deficit
Tremor and dyskinesia can burn extra calories.

Suggestions: If using levodopa, divide the day’s protein needs between morning, midday, and evening meals, taking levodopa about 30 minutes before each meal. In between meals, eat small, non-protein or low-protein snacks, such as fruits and juices, whole-grain crackers or biscuits, tomato or vegetable soup. These add extra calories without blocking levodopa absorption.

Swallowing and choking issues
Swallowing problems increase fear and risk of choking.

Suggestions: Ask your doctor for a referral to a speech pathologist, who can evaluate your swallowing function, and determine whether you are at risk for choking. If so, the therapist can demonstrate safe swallowing techniques, and recommend chopped, puréed, or otherwise altered foods and liquids. You should also be referred to a dietitian, who can assess your needs and ensure you are getting enough protein and other nutrients.

Motor problems in hands
Rigidity and loss of manual dexterity makes it hard to manage eating utensils.

Suggestion: Ask your doctor for a referral to an occupational therapist, who can recommend specially designed plates, bowls, drinkware, and eating utensils that are easier to manage.

Slowed eating
Chewing and swallowing become tiring, cause slowed eating and inability to finish meals. It may take several hours to finish one meal, so the person is unable to consume enough calories during a day to maintain health.

Suggestion: Choose foods that require little chewing. Include nutrient-rich blended smoothies, minced, mashed or pureed meats, fish, vegetables and fruits such as meatloaf, applesauce, mashed peas, potatoes, carrots, or baby foods. If this is insufficient, ask your doctor about placement of a feeding tube. In many cases, individuals can still eat and enjoy food by mouth; but the feeding tube ensures sufficient fluids to prevent dehydration, and enough protein, vitamins, and minerals for complete nutrition.

Seeking helpFor some people, Parkinson’s may present barriers to good nutrition. These can be difficult to deal with. Being aware of such possibilities is important, so that you can prepare as needed. That includes close communication with your neurologist, and the help of specialised health professionals, for their advice and support. With preparation and an experienced healthcare team, you can overcome, – or even prevent – common causes of malnutrition and related illness.

1Tomic S1, Pekic V2, Popijac Z3, Pucic T3, Petek M2, Kuric TG2, Misevic S3, Kramaric RP2. What increases the risk of malnutrition in Parkinson’s disease? J Neurol Sci. 2017 Apr 15;375:235-238.

Kathrynne Holden, a registered dietitian, has specialised in Parkinson’s disease nutrition for over 20 years. She has contributed to two physicians’ manuals on Parkinson’s, written the booklet ‘Nutrition Matters’ for the NPF (with some of her work for them archived here). Now retired, she maintains a website on Parkinson’s topics.


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