
12 Medication Management Tips That May Save Your Life

What can be done to help older adults take medications safely? Take care to avoid some of the more common medication mistakes, such as taking drugs incorrectly or taking more than is prescribed. Pill dispensers, organizers and even reminder services can also be useful tools for some.

That being said, nothing substitutes for responsible caregiver advocacy and being proactive about the drugs we and our loved ones are taking.

Here are some other tips to keep in mind:

1. Ask your provider if the dosage is age-appropriate.

Because of the way our bodies metabolize various drugs as we get older, seniors can be more sensitive to some drugs and less sensitive to others. They are also more likely to experience adverse effects. Double-check with your doctor or pharmacist to ensure that the dosage on the prescription is age-appropriate, and ask if it’s advisable to start with a lower dose and taper upwards.

2. Be aware of medications deemed unsafe for seniors.

The Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults, put together by the American Geriatric Society, is a list of medications that older adults should avoid or use with caution. Some pose a higher risk of side effects or interactions, while others are simply less effective.  For instance, commonly prescribed sedatives in the benzodiazepine category, like diazepam (Valium), are on the “avoid for certain conditions” list because older adults may be more sensitive to these drugs. Ask your pharmacist if any of your loved one’s medications are on the caution list, and whether you should be concerned.

3. Bring a medications list — or the medications themselves — to the doctor with you.

Take your list of prescription medications —  a list of over-the-counter drugs and any herbal supplements you might be taking — and bring it to the doctor’s office with you, or to a pharmacist. The more information your provider has, the more accurately they can pinpoint any potential adverse effects or drug interactions.

4. Check on prescriber behavior in Prescriber Checkup.

Rather alarmingly, Medicare may not monitor prescription safety as effectively or as closely as we might like, as noted in a ProPublica report. “In 2010 alone, health-care professionals wrote more than 500,000 prescriptions for the drug [carisoprodol] to patients 65 and older,” says the report — a drug that was pulled from the European market in 2007 and is on the Beers caution list. If you have concerns about a provider, or if you simply want more information about the drugs prescribed in your area, check ProPublica’s online Prescriber Checkup tool.

5. Closely monitor medication compliance in the cognitively impaired.

If your loved one shows signs of confusion about their medications, or has been diagnosed with cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s disease, or another form of dementia,  do not allow them to manage or take their own medications. If they are simply having trouble tracking their medications, a reminder system may be helpful, but the situation is more serious if your loved one is cognitively impaired. Taking medications incorrectly can be harmful or fatal.

6. Create and maintain an up-to-date medication list.

American Nurse Today says, “keep an accurate list of all medications, including generic and brand names, dosages, dosing frequency and reason for taking the drug.” This can help reduce the risk of polypharmacy.

7. Get a second opinion if you are uncertain.

Not all providers are alike, and there are, unfortunately, some doctors who prescribe medications inappropriately, in excess, or for unapproved uses. If you are concerned about a prescription or a diagnosis, don’t be afraid to seek out a second opinion.

8. Know the side effect profile of your medications.

Knowing the potential side effects and interactions can help you stay alert to any health changes that may occur in response to a new medication or combination of medications. If you do notice health changes, contact a physician right away. Some side effects can mimic other health conditions, including dementia, so make sure to bring a list of your medications to every doctor visit. This will help the provider properly diagnose the problem — and help the patient avoid unnecessary or dangerous medications.

9. Make sure the pharmacy label says why you are taking the prescription.

This is particularly important for older adults who are taking multiple medications, to ensure that they know what each medication is for and how to take it properly. It can also help caregivers police whether their loved one is being given too many medications to treat the same issue, or whether a less scrupulous provider has prescribed a drug for a purpose it wasn’t intended to treat.

10. Minimize the number of providers and pharmacists you use.

Keeping the number of doctors and pharmacies to a minimum is better for you and better for the providers who must coordinate care. “The primary-care provider and specialists must maintain good communication with each other to prevent or minimize problems,” says American Nurse Today. They also advise people to “use only one pharmacy to obtain medications; this adds another level of review to help ensure appropriate dosage and reduce the risk of adverse drugs effects and interactions.”

11. Talk to the pharmacist and ask questions.

If you have any concerns at all about the combination of medications you or your loved one is taking, or how a new medication will affect you, ask your doctor or pharmacist. Learn about the potential dosage, proper storage, side effects and anything else that will help you take medications correctly. You should also talk to your provider if you are thinking of stopping a medication.

12. Tell your provider about any previous adverse drug effects.

This one might go without saying, but if you or your loved one has had a bad reaction to any medication in the past, let your doctor and pharmacist know.


Article from A Place for Mom.

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Sleuth-ebrating the Holidays

This holiday season can also be a time to be a loving (but slightly nosey) detective. If you are traveling to visit your loved ones who may be in need of care, the holidays afford an ideal time to assess any changes in their health and well-being.

As any good detective knows, the first step is to follow the clues.

Clue One – Your loved one’s home:

  • What condition is it in? Is it a clean, clutter free and safe environment?
  • The kitchen is where you can find a lot of telling clues. Look for signs of spoiled food, or an excess of junk/convenience foods compared to the last visit. This may be a sign they have stopped cooking.
  • Is the bathroom safe, with grab bars (if necessary) and slip proof mats? Are cords dangling dangerously near running water?

Clue Two – Your loved one’s behavior:

  • How do they handle their medication regimen? Are they using expired medications?
  • Is your loved one acting withdrawn, or making excuses not to participate?
  • Are there noticeable changes to hearing, sight or speech?
  • What is their balance like? Are stairs becoming an issue?
  • Observe memory capabilities. A good way to check this is to see if a loved one is remembering to pay bills, or keep appointments.
  • What are your loved one’s grooming habits like?

Once your detectiving is done and you have a clear picture of your loved one’s living situation, it is time to assess if you need to take further next steps in providing additional care for them.

  • What services (appointments, shopping, banking, etc.) do they need access to on a regular basis?
  • Is your loved one still able to drive? Don’t just take their word for it.
  • What socialization opportunities exist in the community to help prevent isolation and depression?
  • Is another family member or close friend living nearby and able to help?
  • What local help is available?

Before making any big changes, it’s essential to talk (respectfully) with your loved one about what they see as their greatest needs. Discuss solutions, and then bring some options forward that may work for all involved.

While the holidays may be overwhelmed by gifts and gatherings, it’s also a great time for a long-distance caregiver to take the extra time to observe a loved one’s living situation and address any new needs. The gifts of love can be shared in many ways, even if not wrapped in a box and ribbon.


Article from Today’s Caregiver.

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Compassion Fatigue Awareness Project

Studies confirm that caregivers play host to a high level of compassion fatigue. Day in, day out, workers struggle to function in caregiving environments that constantly present heart wrenching, emotional challenges. Affecting positive change in society, a mission so vital to those passionate about caring for others, is perceived as elusive, if not impossible. This painful reality, coupled with first-hand knowledge of society’s flagrant disregard for the safety and well being of the feeble and frail, takes its toll on everyone from full time employees to part time volunteers. Eventually, negative attitudes prevail.

Compassion Fatigue symptoms are normal displays of chronic stress resulting from the care giving work we choose to do. Leading traumatologist Eric Gentry suggests that people who are attracted to care giving often enter the field already compassion fatigued. A strong identification with helpless, suffering, or traumatized people or animals is possibly the motive. It is common for such people to hail from a tradition of what Gentry labels: other-directed care giving. Simply put, these are people who were taught at an early age to care for the needs of others before caring for their own needs. Authentic, ongoing self-care practices are absent from their lives.

If you sense that you are suffering from compassion fatigue, chances are excellent that you are. Your path to wellness begins with one small step: awareness. A heightened awareness can lead to insights regarding past traumas and painful situations that are being relived over and over within the confines of your symptoms and behaviors. With the appropriate information and support, you can embark on a journey of discovery, healing past traumas and pain that currently serve as obstacles to a healthy, happier lifestyle.

Many resources are available to help you recognize the causes and symptoms of compassion fatigue. Healing begins by employing such simple practices as regular exercise, healthy eating habits, enjoyable social activities, journaling, and restful sleep. Hopefully, the information on will be of use to you and help you jump-start your process.

Accepting the presence of compassion fatigue in your life only serves to validate the fact that you are a deeply caring individual. Somewhere along your healing path, the truth will present itself: You don’t have to make a choice. It is possible to practice healthy, ongoing self-care while successfully continuing to care for others.


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Parkinson’s and malnutrition: what are the risks and how do you prevent it?

Parkinson’s is a complicated condition and while many people with Parkinson’s live a long and healthy life, this is not the case for everyone. A recent study found that possibly as many as 60% of people with Parkinson’s are at increased risk for malnutrition.1 “Increased risk” doesn’t mean that 60% of people with Parkinson’s will develop malnutrition, it just means that there is a higher possibility of malnutrition – but it is a good idea to be aware of all its possible causes, so that you can minimise the risk.

The risks and how to minimise them

Below are descriptions of some common nutrition-related concerns that may occur as a result of Parkinson’s, followed by suggestions that could help to resolve the problems.

Sense of smell
One of the first symptoms of Parkinson’s can be loss of the sense of smell, a sense that is necessary in order to taste food. While lack of taste and smell doesn’t always affect appetite, it can become a factor.

Suggestions: Choose favourite or especially desirable foods. Focus on flavour intensity – lemon, garlic, soy sauce, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, herbs; and “mouthfeel” – foods that are crunchy, creamy, chewy or have other appealing textures that make them more agreeable when scent and flavour are lacking.

Feeling nauseous
Medications used to treat Parkinson’s often cause nausea.

Suggestion: Ginger is very effective at counteracting nausea. Keep some fresh ginger in the freezer and use it to make ginger tea, or chew a slice of ginger. Keep a container of crystallised ginger handy, to take while on errands or travelling. Even powdered ginger can be used to make tea.

Medication regimes
Medications may cause loss of appetite.

Suggestion: Discuss this with your physician. If medication-induced, it may be possible to try a different medication.

Low mood
Depression is common among people with Parkinson’s and can affect willingness to eat.

Suggestion: Discuss this with your physician. Depression can be due to deficiency of B vitamins, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, or other nutrients – a blood test will show whether this is the case and, if so, supplements should help. In some cases, depression can be alleviated by attending regular counselling sessions, however, some people may require antidepressant medication.

Late-stage Parkinson’s
The stage of Parkinson’s can be a factor, because as it progresses, symptoms often become more severe. In addition, motor fluctuations are more likely to occur in later-stage Parkinson’s. ‘Off’-time, dystonia, and dyskinesia can make it difficult both to eat, and to time medications and meals.

Suggestion: Ask your doctor about a longer-lasting medication, such as Stalevo, or Rytary, or a pump, so that ‘off’ time is reduced and the timing of medications and meals is more regulated closely.

Calorie deficit
Tremor and dyskinesia can burn extra calories.

Suggestions: If using levodopa, divide the day’s protein needs between morning, midday, and evening meals, taking levodopa about 30 minutes before each meal. In between meals, eat small, non-protein or low-protein snacks, such as fruits and juices, whole-grain crackers or biscuits, tomato or vegetable soup. These add extra calories without blocking levodopa absorption.

Swallowing and choking issues
Swallowing problems increase fear and risk of choking.

Suggestions: Ask your doctor for a referral to a speech pathologist, who can evaluate your swallowing function, and determine whether you are at risk for choking. If so, the therapist can demonstrate safe swallowing techniques, and recommend chopped, puréed, or otherwise altered foods and liquids. You should also be referred to a dietitian, who can assess your needs and ensure you are getting enough protein and other nutrients.

Motor problems in hands
Rigidity and loss of manual dexterity makes it hard to manage eating utensils.

Suggestion: Ask your doctor for a referral to an occupational therapist, who can recommend specially designed plates, bowls, drinkware, and eating utensils that are easier to manage.

Slowed eating
Chewing and swallowing become tiring, cause slowed eating and inability to finish meals. It may take several hours to finish one meal, so the person is unable to consume enough calories during a day to maintain health.

Suggestion: Choose foods that require little chewing. Include nutrient-rich blended smoothies, minced, mashed or pureed meats, fish, vegetables and fruits such as meatloaf, applesauce, mashed peas, potatoes, carrots, or baby foods. If this is insufficient, ask your doctor about placement of a feeding tube. In many cases, individuals can still eat and enjoy food by mouth; but the feeding tube ensures sufficient fluids to prevent dehydration, and enough protein, vitamins, and minerals for complete nutrition.

Seeking helpFor some people, Parkinson’s may present barriers to good nutrition. These can be difficult to deal with. Being aware of such possibilities is important, so that you can prepare as needed. That includes close communication with your neurologist, and the help of specialised health professionals, for their advice and support. With preparation and an experienced healthcare team, you can overcome, – or even prevent – common causes of malnutrition and related illness.

1Tomic S1, Pekic V2, Popijac Z3, Pucic T3, Petek M2, Kuric TG2, Misevic S3, Kramaric RP2. What increases the risk of malnutrition in Parkinson’s disease? J Neurol Sci. 2017 Apr 15;375:235-238.

Kathrynne Holden, a registered dietitian, has specialised in Parkinson’s disease nutrition for over 20 years. She has contributed to two physicians’ manuals on Parkinson’s, written the booklet ‘Nutrition Matters’ for the NPF (with some of her work for them archived here). Now retired, she maintains a website on Parkinson’s topics.

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